No Chicken Noodle Soup / Soupe Aux Nouilles Sans Poulet

No Chicken Noodle Soup/Nouille Poulet Sans Poulet

Our version of this traditional comforting soup. It’s tasty, delicious and, of course, chicken-free. Dairy free/lactose free/tree nut free/vegan/kosher/plant based

Notre version de cette soupe réconfortante traditionnelle. Elle est savoureuse, délicieuse et, bien sûr, sans poulet. Sans produits laitiers/sans lactose/sans noix/végétalien/casher/à base de plantes

UPC Code - 042272-90503-4

Pots on stove

The early bird makes the broth.

We have a ritual in our kitchens where we start each morning by making homemade broth. Broth is essential for many of our sauces, and we start with a fresh batch every day. So whoever gets to the kitchen first has the honour.