Organic Refried Beans with Green Chiles / Avec Piments Verts Biologiques

Organic Refried Beans with Green Chiles/Aux Piments Verts Biologiques

We’ve added green peppers and just a hint of heat from green chiles to our classic Refried Beans. Perfect in burritos, as a side dish or as an easy dip. Gluten free/soy free/dairy free/lactose free/tree nut free/vegan/kosher/plant based

Nous avons ajouté à nos haricots frits traditionnels des poivrons verts et juste un soupçon piquant avec des piments chilis. Ces haricots sont parfaits dans les burritos, comme plat d'accompagnement ou comme trempette. Sans gluten/sans soya/sans produits laitiers/sans lactose/sans noix/végétalien/casher/à base de plantes

UPC Code - 042272-90552-2

bowls of spices

Our spice rack is more of a spice room.

We make all of our own spice blends the way any chef does, carefully measuring out each spice we put into every recipe we cook. Sure, there are easier and faster ways to work, but we’re more concerned with flavour than speed.